Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Re-entry into blogging: Cute Teacher Gifts

I made these for M and J's end-of-year teacher gifts this year.  Of course they were delivered in October, not August.  Because my life is crazy.  I really need to simplify and cut a lot of things out, but I have issues about quitting things and saying no.  There could be a more detailed post about that some other time. 
They are glass canisters filled with bubble gum, with a red & white (school colors) ribbon and a cute little "gum-related" saying on the top of each jar. I used a hole-punch and scrapbooking tape to stick them to the lid.  And they looked so pretty in my vintage Pepsi crate from Roots in Maplewood (one of my favorite finds and only $4!).

Okay, so this isn't the best post ever, but I needed something not-so-intimidating to write about so that I would actually sit at the computer and knock something out in the 5 minutes I had tonight.  :)  I have lots of home renovation updates to help me catch up from my lapse in posting.

And Halloween is only 5 days away!  My little cuties are going to be adorable and I'll take lots of pictures. 

1 comment:

Sara D. said...

Love it. The jars are so cute and the pepsi crate is awesome too!! Mostly, I'm glad you are back in blog-ville...So fun to see you tonight!!